The North Coast北海岸--用英文遊台灣


凡:The sea breeze at Yehliu 《野柳》sure feels comfortable!

仙:This is Queen’s  Head   Rock《女王頭》, and those two are Candlestick Rock 《燭台石》and Fairy Shoe《仙女鞋》

凡:That’s  right. Yehliu is a cape protruding《突出岬角 》above sea level . This  spectacular《壯觀的》,internationally  --Know  landscape  was  formed  by wave  erosion《侵蝕》,weathering《風化作用》 and crustal movement《地殼運動》.

 仙:Right. I’ve heard things about the sea--eroded trenches《海蝕洞溝》, mushroom rocks《蕈狀石》, bean curd rocks《豆腐石》,beehive rocks《蜂窩石》,potholes and dissolved《壺穴和溶蝕盤》.

凡:Yep. What’s  more, Hoping Island《和平島》, Badouzih and Keelung Islet《八斗子和基隆嶼》 are right  around the coner. 》These are all geological  landcapes《地質景觀》 by volcanic sedimentary rocks《火山沉積岩》. They are also very much worth visiting.

仙:Which reminds me , there’s  an 〝Ocean Word〞here in Yehliu. It’s the foremost《著名的》 marine ecology center《海洋生態育樂館》 in the country. It even has an underwater tunnel《海底景觀隧道》!Do you want to go and take a look?

凡:Sure. I’m verh much looking forward to seeing dolphins《海豚》and sea lions perform!

〈96.7.31 聯合報  執筆/台科應用外語系助理教授黃玟君〉