將自己的社區轉變為寶土transform community into a treasure池田大作Daisaku lkeda國際創價學會會長President of the Soka Gakkai

  一年中,如果大家每天都能以仰望「新年日出」的心情互相鼓勵,這個世界將是多麼光明啊 !
  During the year, if you can encourage each other every day by looking up at the "New Year's Eve" , How bright the world will be!

   No matter who , whenever and wherever , The Buddha of the Buddha has revealed to the other side that life has raised the way of the sun at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty .

   The place where Lang  Lang sings the title can not only make himself shine as a "pagoda" . It can also make everyone become " the place where the pagoda is located"(Note1) and shine .
    If you can make this determination ,you don't need to feel inferior , nor do you need to pursue the utopia that is far away from you .

Note1:Yushu 1372