別讓寒冷天氣影響自己情緒緒Don't let the cold weather affect you.財團法人 張老師 基金會 提供



    2、轉換自我心境,當自己很煩 、很累的時候,先不急迫改變自己心情,慢慢放鬆自己。



Self-care and adjustment for young people
   "Teacher Chang" Advice for Young PeopleSelf-care and adjustment:

   1、Take a breath, take a deep breath,Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by nervousness.
   2. Change your mind.When you are very tired and tired, don't be too impatient to change your mood and relax.itself
   3. Maintaining normal working and living conditions,Develop good habits of exercise.
   4. It can be used to make friends with friends.friends or professionals express their stress.
   5.Please seek professional assistance in psychology and physical symptoms. Don't hide your illness from the doctor.